Bow-tie Diagrams (with Controls)


Overall Bow-Tie Diagram with Controls
Overview This page displays a similar diagram as with the Overall Bow-tie Diagram (without controls) -- but on this page, the likelihoods, impacts, and risks are calculated with controls in effect. Controls can also be viewed, selected/deselect...
Bow-Tie Diagram From Threats with Controls
Overview This page displays a similar diagram as with the Bow-tie diagram from specific Threats (without controls) -- but on this page, the likelihoods, impacts, and risks are calculated with controls in effect. Controls can also be viewed, sel...
Bow-Tie Diagram To Objectives with Controls
Overview This page displays a similar diagram as with the Bow-tie diagram To specific Objectives (without controls) -- but on this page, the likelihoods, impacts, and risks are calculated with controls in effect. Controls can also be viewed, se...