Controls for Threats

Controls for Threats/Sources can be viewed, added, and assigned to this page. 

The Controls for Threats/Sources are listed as rows under the "Control Name" column, and the succeeding columns headings to the right are the threats/sources.  You can assign controls for covering and non-covering sources.

To add a threat/source control, click the  button. 

Here you can specify the Control Name, Cost, and categories. The Control name is required, once you enter the control name the OK button will be enabled.

The added control will be displayed as a new row on the Source Controls grid.

To assign the control as a potential control for the source(s), simply check the corresponding cells. 

Clicking again a checked cell will uncheck (un-assigned) a control. 

You can add multiple controls at once by pasting them from the clipboard. 

You can see the format by hovering on the Paste controls button

Once you are ready, click "Paste controls". 

Note: You can not assign controls for Threats/Sources that are "categories", thus cells for categorical threats/sources are disabled or greyed out.