After identifying and measuring the controls, the Controls Effectiveness for groups and participants can be viewed on the Combined Effectiveness pages.
Depending on the control application, the %effectiveness can be viewed by:
- Controls for Threats/Sources
- Controls for Event Vulnerabilities (by Event)
- Controls for Event Vulnerabilities (by Control) - this page
- Controls for Event Consequences (by Event)
- Controls for Event Consequences (by Control)
The Combined Effectiveness for the Controls for Event Consequences (by Event) of the "All Participants" group is displayed below.
The "All Participants" group is the average of the %effectiveness of all the participants who made the evaluation.
Note: You can also manually add or edit the %effectivess for the "All Participants" group, which will override the calculated average, if any.
The Controls for Event Effectiveness are listed as rows under the "Control Name" column, and the succeeding column headings to the right are the Hierarchy of Objectives. The intersecting cell of the controls (row) and the covering objectives (column) displays the %Effectiveness of the selected group or participant.
You can view the %Effectiveness for another group or individual participant by selecting from the pull-down menu:
Note: The %Effectiveness is only available for the controls that are previously identified for the selected Event. The control identification is done from the Controls > Identify> Controls for Event Consequences page. Those un-assigned controls to the selected Event have disabled or greyed cells.
From below, the control "Monthly safety meeting to review safety protocols" is a potential control to reduce the consequence of the selected event "Late Train Running" given the objective "Loss of Customers", thus the %effectinesss is displayed: