Measurement Methods

Impact: Define Measurement Methods Overview

You can manage the Impact's Measurement Methods on the IMPACT OF EVENTS > MEASURE > Measurement Methods page: 

The Measurement Methods for Likelihoods page is where we designate how likelihoods are to be derived or assigned:

  1. For objectives given the parent objective
  2. For events given the covering objectives
  3. For events with no objectives

You can assign the measurement options For Objectives and For Events on separate pages, or the same page by selecting from the three tabs:

For example, in the model with objectives hierarchy as shown below:  

The nodes that have children are the non-covering objectives. (e.g. Public Relations, Financials ..).

The nodes that have no children are the covering objectives (e.g.Loss of Company Reputation, Customer Service Dissatisfaction.., ..)

Depending on the selected tab, the measurement options (Measurement Type, Scale, and other Advanced Options) will be displayed to the right of the objective elements (first column).

  • For Objectives - measurement options are available for the non-covering objectives to define how to measure the children with respect to the non-covering objective. 
  • For Events - measurement options are available for the covering objectives to define how to measure the events given the covering objective
  • All - measurement options are available both for non-covering and covering objectives which allow defining the two mentioned above on the same page.

The following measurement types are available for evaluating Objectives:

  • Pairwise Comparisons
  • Direct

and for evaluating events with respect to Objective:

  • Rating
  • Direct 
  • Step Function
  • Utility Curve
  • Pairwise Comparisons
  • Pairwise with Given Impact 

Depending on the selected tab, the Total Judgments is displayed at the bottom of the page. 

Measurement Methods for Evaluating Objectives

Measurement Methods for evaluating objectives can be found on the IMPACT OF EVENTS > MEASURE > Measurement Methods > For Objectives tab.

This is where we designate how objective impacts are to be derived or assigned for those objectives (elements) in the objectives hierarchy given their parent objective (non-covering objective).

NOTE: You can also define Measurement Methods for Objectives in All mode where the measurement methods options For Objectives and For Events options are available.

When the For Objectives tab is selected, only the non-covering objectives have available measurement options to the right.

In our example, "Objectives" (non-covering objective) children: Public Relations, Financial, Reliability..., and Performance, are to evaluate using Pairwise Comparisons, as specified on the options to the right of the "Objectives" node or their parent.

Similarly, the children below "Public Relations" will also be evaluated using the Pairwise Comparisons, as specified on the measurement options to the right of Public Relations. 

You can change the Measurement Type by selecting from the pull-down menu:

You can copy the measurement options from one non-covering objective to one or more non-covering objective(s). 

Simply click  to the right of the non-covering threat you want to copy. 

Checkboxes will appear to the left of the other non-covering nodes. Check the nodes you want to paste the measurement options to. 

You can also check all the nodes at the bottom of the page. 

Once done, click Proceed.

You can jump to the specific evaluation step of the given covering objective by clicking

Measurement Methods for Evaluating Events WRT Objectives

Measurement Methods for evaluating events given objectives can be found on the IMPACT OF OF EVENTS > MEASURE > Measurement Methods > For  Events tab.

This is where we designate how impacts are to be derived or assigned for the events given the covering objectives in the objectives hierarchy.

NOTE: You can also define Measurement Methods for Events given Objectives in All mode where measurement methods options For Objectives and For Events options are available. 

When the For Events tab is selected, only the covering objectives have available measurement options to the right.

From above, the events with respect to  "Loss of Company Reputation" will be evaluated using Rating as specified on the options to the right of this covering objective

You can change the Measurement Type by selecting from the pull-down menu:


You can change or create a new measurement scale (if applicable) by selecting from the pull-down:

You can edit the currently selected scale by clicking

You can also copy the measurement options from one covering objective to one or more covering objective(s). 

Simply click  to the right of the covering objective you want to copy. 

Checkboxes will appear to the left of the other covering nodes. Check the nodes you want to paste the measurement options to.


You can also check all the nodes at the bottom of the page.

Once done, click Proceed. 

You can jump to the specific evaluation step of the given covering objective by clicking