Control Register

The Controls Register page displays a grid for the summary of all the potential controls. 

Controls Register

Here we see the following columns:

  • Control name
  • Description
  • Selected (Yes or No) - control is in effect
  • Control for (Source, Vulnerability, Consequence)
  • Cost - control cost 
  • Application Count - total number of applications
  • Application - list the elements the control is applied 
    • Source Name (Source) 
    • Event name / Source Name (Vulnerability)
    • Event name / Objective Name (Consequence)
  • Effectiveness - the %effectiveness of the control given the application
  • Control Attributes - as defined from Identify Controls page, in this model we have Milestone and PMs attributes

You can see the details of the control in effect at the top of the grid. 

Click  to export the grid into a .xlsx file. 

You can also show or hide columns.