Impact: Mixed

The Mixed screen for Impact displays the sensitivities and grids into one view: 

By default, four sensitivities are displayed as shown below:

Mixed View for Overall Events Impacts

You can temporarily alter the relationship between the events and their objectives by dragging the bars/line (if applicable) on one sensitivity and it will be reflected on other sensitivities. 

After temporarily changing the impacts of one or more of the objectives, you can press the  reset icon.

You can show the local and global objective's impacts on the Objectives Hierarchy at the right using the Local-Global buttons:

You can hide the Objectives Hierarchy at the left using

Click  to show/hide the toolbar options:

DIDN'T SEE WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR? Try enabling the Advanced Mode switch at the bottom of the page, this will show the advanced options on this page.

The options available can be specific to a sensitivity. 

Click  to select the layout how the sensitivities and/or grid will be displayed:

If you select the 6-widget layout, you will be able to select additional results widget:

Select Participants and Groups

You can select to display results for one participant or group using

Clicking the  button will open a window where you can select a participant or a group.

You can use the prev and the next  buttons to cycle through each participant or group.

Filter Events

By default, all events are displayed. 

You can select to display the top or bottom 5, 10, or 25 events based on the "All Participants" group impacts. 

The Advanced filter, allows you to select a specific number for the top N, and base it on another group or participant. 

The select /deselection option, allows you to check/uncheck the events. 

The filter by events attributes, filter the events base on the attributes specified on the Events page. 

The show risks only / Show opportunities only are applicable for the Mixed model where events can be Risk or Opportunity. 

Advanced Mode Options

When the Advanced mode is ON, you will see the advanced options of the page you are currently working on. 

1. Combined Input Option (CIS)

If the Combined Input Option (CIS) is ON then results for individuals are computed by combining the likelihoods (or impacts) derived from judgments/ratings for which they had roles, with the combined results for any parts of the model where they did not have a role.

2. Apply User Priorities

If priorities (weights) have been specified for participants, you can use the "User Priorities" check box which enables you to apply or ignore these priorities in calculating the results.

3. Synthesize Events WRT top-node

This option is available on all the Sensitivity screens and can only be enabled when a non-covering node other than the top node is selected on the hierarchy tree. 

Enabling this option allows to temporarily change the likelihood (or impacts) of the children of the selected node and see how these changes will affect the overall likelihood (or impacts, or risks) of the events. If this is OFF, we can then see the change of the likelihood (or impacts, or risks) of the events WRT the selected node. 

4. Change or Maximize Widget

Two icons are displayed to the top right of each widget:

Clicking the first icon will show the list of all the available widget, simple click the widget you want to select: 

Clicking the second icon will open a modal where you can see the maximized view of the currently displayed widget.