This page displays the same information as with the Impact's Sensitivity ∆ Events Sensitivity: One at a time but with four participants or groups at a time.
Impact's Sensitivity Δ Delta Events - Four users/groups at a time
Sensitivity ∆ (delta) Events page for Impact shows the changes in overall event impacts when the event impact due to one or more covering objectives is changed. If you change an event's impact given a single objective, you'll see the effect on the event's overall impact.
When the impact of an event is changed with respect to an objective, we do not adjust the other event impact (normalize to 1) as we do when we change the objective impact Sensitivity Δ delta Objectives.
You can select/deselect objectives so you can view the events for fewer covering objectives. This is done by checking/unchecking the checkboxes to the right of the objectives nodes.
Alternatively, you can use the pagination options to view fewer objectives bars at a time:
The Page size is the number of objectives to display on each page, e.g. view 5 coverings objectives at a time.
The Page Num is to paginate to another list or set of objectives if there is pagination.
You can cycle through four participants/groups at a time by clicking < (previous) and > (next) buttons at the top.
When a participant/group is marked as "Keep", the participant/group will remain selected as you cycle through using the prev/next buttons.
You can click at the top right of each sensitivity to maximize the view for one user/group.