Sort (Re-order) Threats

Elements can be moved or copied from one position/level in the hierarchy to another by drag/dropping to the desired position in the hierarchy.

In Tree View, you can move or copy a node from one position to another by dragging and dropping. Simply select a node and hold on to the left button of your mouse and then drag to the position you want the node to be moved/copied (you will see a blue arrow as a pointer). Once you release the mouse's left key, you will then see a dialog asking whether to copy or move the node. Select and click OK to confirm.

You can also sort elements  in the cluster below the selected threat or sub-threat by name ascending/descending: 

Sorting by name can be done both in Tree View and Hierarchy View. 

HINT: You can use the Model Snapshots feature in case you want to revert to what you had before the sorting.