
Add, Edit and Delete Threats

Expand, Collapse and Auto-Redraw the Threats Hierarchy

 will expand all branches of the hierarchy.

 will collapse the hierarchy and show only the goal and the first level of elements (threats).

You can also expand/collapse sections of the hierarchy by clicking the same icons at the left of the threat node. 

When the Auto-Redraw box is checked, clicking on the name of any element will not only expand the branches below that element but will automatically contract the branches in other parts of the hierarchy. This is useful to be able to focus on a part of the hierarchy, see all of its ancestries, but not be distracted from details in other parts of the hierarchy.

Sort (Re-order) Threats

Elements can be moved or copied from one position/level in the hierarchy to another by drag/dropping to the desired position in the hierarchy.

In Tree View, you can move or copy a node from one position to another by dragging and dropping. Simply select a node and hold on to the left button of your mouse and then drag to the position you want the node to be moved/copied (you will see a blue arrow as a pointer). Once you release the mouse's left key, you will then see a dialog asking whether to copy or move the node. Select and click OK to confirm.

You can also sort elements  in the cluster below the selected threat or sub-threat by name ascending/descending: 

Sorting by name can be done both in Tree View and Hierarchy View. 

HINT: You can use the Model Snapshots feature in case you want to revert to what you had before the sorting.

View Threats (Tree or Hierarchy)

Threats can be viewed in Tree View or Hierarchical View.  By default, the Tree View is displayed as shown below:

You can use the drop-down to select the Hierarchy View:

The Hierarchy View of Threats is shown below:

You can do similar actions such as adding threats, editing, sort by name, and export as you can do in the Tree View. 

Additionally, you can show/hide the Events in the Hierarchy view by checking the  check box.

You can specify the rectangle length and width by clicking the gear icon

HINT: For smaller screens, some of the buttons may be hidden. You may see the hidden buttons by clicking the ellipses  icon at the top right.