Sensitivity ∆ (delta) Events page for Impact shows the changes in overall event impacts when the event impact due to one or more covering objectives is changed. If you change an event's impact given a single objective, you'll see the effect on the event's overall impact.
When the impact of an event is changed with respect to an objective, we do not adjust the other event impact (normalize to 1) as we do when we change the objective impact Sensitivity Δ delta Objectives.
Impact's Sensitivity Delta Events - One user/group at a time
First, the impact of the covering objectives are depicted by the vertical blue bars and shown numerically at the side of each bar or by hovering on the bars:
Secondly, the impacts of events with respect to the covering objectives are shown by small circles representing each of the events.
Hovering on a circle displays a tooltip with the event name it designates to, the impact due to the covering objective, and Delta (0% indicates that the impact is based on actual participant judgments).
Below it shows that the event Major Train Public Accident has the highest impact (86.20%) with respect to Loss Company Reputation.
The lines connecting the events from one objective serve to help you find where a particular event lies as you move from one objective to another.
Finally, the intersection of the event line segment with the overall axis (gray vertical bar) shows the overall impacts of the events which are also displayed at the right with the event names.
To temporarily change the impact of an event with respect to a covering objective, and see how it will affect the overall impact of the events, simply drag the event circles up (increase impact) or down (decrease impact). The %delta will increase or decrease as you drag the plot up or down.
From above, we see that the original impact of "Free Integration with Future Monitoring System with respect to Loss of Safety is 0% and it's the 8th highest impact in the overall event impact at the right. As we increase its impact by dragging the green circle upward (Delta=+100%), we see that event becomes the third-highest impact in the overall event impacts.
You can select/deselect objectives so you can view the events for fewer covering objectives. This is done by checking/unchecking the checkboxes to the right of the objectives nodes.
Alternatively, you can use the pagination options to view fewer objectives at a time:
The Page size is the number of threats/sources to display on each page, e.g. view 5 covering objectives at a time.
The Page Num is to paginate to another list or set of objectives if there is pagination.
Select Participants and Groups
You can select to display results for one participant or group using
Clicking the button will open a window where you can select a participant or a group.
You can use the prev and the next
buttons to cycle through each participant or group.
Filter Events
By default, all events are displayed.
You can select to display the top or bottom 5, 10, or 25 events based on the "All Participants" group impacts.
The Advanced filter, allows you to select a specific number for the top N, and base it on another group or participant.
The select /deselection option, allows you to check/uncheck the events.
The filter by events attributes, filter the events base on the attributes specified on the Events page.
The show risks only / Show opportunities only are applicable for the Mixed model where events can be Risk or Opportunity.
Advanced Mode Options
When the Advanced mode is ON, you will see the advanced options on this page:
1. Combined Input Option (CIS)
If the Combined Input Option (CIS) is on (see below) then results for individuals are computed by combining the impacts derived from judgments/ratings for which they had roles, with the combined results for any parts of the model where they did not have a role.
2. Apply User Priorities
If priorities (weights) have been specified for participants, you can use the "User Priorities" check box will enable you to apply or ignore these priorities in generating the results.
3. Show Event's Overall Impacts
Enabling this button shows the impacts of the events due to the top node, instead of the lower node currently selected on the left hierarchy tree. This icon is disabled when the top node is currently selected on the tree.