Impact: Consensus View

The consensus view shows the standard deviations (the square root of the variances) among evaluators for event impacts with respect to Objectives.

The entries are displayed for steps in the evaluation process, sorted from high to low standard deviation (square root of variance).  

The standard deviation column has colored bars corresponding to the % to give a visual indication of the consensus but is not to be interpreted as being acceptable or not. The red bar indicates high %, yellow for medium, and green for low.  

The main purpose of the consensus view is to make it easy to revisit those steps in the evaluation process where there is the greatest lack of consensus.

Clicking on the step number in a row will open TeamTime evaluation in another browser window, specific to the step for the chosen event/objective step. The variances are displayed in the TeamTime meeting instead of the Standard Deviation. 

You can select only those portions of the hierarchy for which to view standard deviation.  

For example:

will only display variances for those judgments with respect to Customer/Business Dissatisfaction with Service/Network Efficiency.