The Efficient Frontier results make it easy to compare several scenarios and see the effects of lower or higher budgets.
This page displays the Efficient Frontier from specific Threats.
In Riskion, we refer to threats, causes, hazards, and sources interchangeably. While they may have slightly different nuances depending on the context in which they are used, they serve the same purpose -- they are all threats/sources of risk (for Risk Events) or sources of opportunity (for Opportunity Events). In our sample model, we are using the terminology "Source(s)".
Click to display results:
Efficient Frontier To Source "Human Factor"
This page is just similar to Overall Efficient Frontier, except that we can select a specific source to calculate the results.
From the above the Efficient Frontier solved is due to the source "Human Factor". You can select another source from the Sources Hierarchy at the left.
Once solved, the Efficient Frontier page displays a curve(s) at the left and a grid at the right.
You can ignore constraints:
Constraints that are defined have a bold font.
You can select the delta when optimizing:
Hovering on a plot in the Chart will show a tooltip with its details and will highlight the corresponding column in the Grid.
You can see the controls that are funded on the grid. There will be FUNDED on the cell intersecting the control (row) given the budget (column).
Alternatively, you can turn on the show control names option to list the funded controls in the cell.