Consequences Grid (Contributions)

All events may contribute to all Objectives. In most cases, particularly when the hierarchy represents a broad range of organizational/categorical objectives, objectives may contribute to only some of the Events. It may also be possible that an event won't have any Threats. You can specify which covering objectives contribute to each of the Events on this page. 

You can set up which events contribute to objectives on the Consequences Grid (Contributions) page which can be found on:

  • IDENTIFY/STRUCTURE > OBJECTIVES > Contributions, or 

An event that does not contribute to a covering objective does not receive any priority for that covering objective. This is equivalent to, for example, saying that it does contribute and then evaluating it with a zero priority rating. If there is some disagreement about whether or not an event contributes to a covering objective, it is better to designate it as contributing and allowing the evaluators to decide if the priority is zero or not.

Clicking on the row/column heading boxes will select/de-select all of the elements in that row/column.

A box in a column or row header means that all cells in the column or row contribute.  

A  half box means that some but not all contribute.  

A  blank means that no cells in the column or row contribute.

You can click on specific boxes to assign contributions for the Event (row) given the objectives (column).