New Articles

  1. Order for evaluating within the Threats or Objectives hierarchy

    When there is more than one level of threats/objectives, it is customary to proceed from the top-down -- that is, evaluating the relative importance of the main threats/objectives, then the relative importance of the sub-threats/objectives with re...
  2. Turn ON/OFF Evaluation for Threats or Events given Threats

    The Project Manager can turn ON or OFF the evaluation for Threats/Objectives or for Events given Threats/Objectives.  The default option is to evaluate: threats,  events given threats objectives events with respect to objectives Although a P...
  3. Order for evaluating within the Threats or Objectives hierarchy

    When there is more than one level of threats/objectives, it is customary to proceed from the top-down -- that is, evaluating the relative importance of the main threats/objectives, then the relative importance of the sub-threats/objectives with re...
  4. Default Number of diagonals (Trade-off between accuracy and # of comparisons)

    These options apply to the number of pairwise comparisons to be made within each cluster of elements.  Let's consider an example of a cluster with five elements, A, B, C, D, and E: The non-dark cells in the following figure illustrate all possible ...
  5. Auto-advance to Next Step

    Auto-advance can be used to make the evaluation for single pairwise verbal and single rating faster by auto-advancing to the next step after the judgment was made.  Depending on the model you are working on, the Auto-Advanced option can be set on...
  6. Show or Hide the Navigation box and buttons

    The Project Manager can show or hide navigation buttons during the evaluation.   Depending on the model you are working on, this can be set on: LIKELIHOOD OF EVENTS > MEASURE  > SET MEASUREMENT OPTIONS > Evaluation settings . IMPACT OF E...
  7. After collect input options

    The Project Manager can choose where to redirect the evaluators after the evaluation.  Depending on the model you are working on, the Auto-Advanced option can be set on: LIKELIHOOD OF EVENTS > MEASURE  > SET MEASUREMENT OPTIONS > Evaluation se...
  8. Show or Hide Intermediate and Overall Results

    The Project Manager can show or hide the Intermediate and/or Overall Results, and decide how these results will be sorted.  Depending on the model you are working on, this can be done on: LIKELIHOOD OF EVENTS > MEASURE > Set Measurement Options >...
  9. Edit Welcome, Thank You or Rewards pages

    The Evaluation's Welcome, Thank you, or Reward pages of the evaluation can be shown or hidden. Depending on the model you are working on, this can be done on: LIKELIHOOD OF EVENTS > MEASURE > Set Measurement Options > Participant display option...
  10. Pariticipant Display Options Overview

    The Participant Display Options page is where the Project Manager determines what evaluators will see during their evaluation session -- this includes the Welcome and Thank You page, Results, Information Documents, and more. Depending on the hierar...