New Articles

  1. Welcome Page

    The Riskion Evaluation process usually starts with the Welcome Page where the Project Manager can give an introduction and instructions to the Evaluators. Depending on the model you are currently evaluating, the welcome page can be for Likelihood o...
  2. Impact: Welcome Page

    The Riskion Evaluation process usually starts with the Welcome Page where the Project Manager can give an introduction and instructions to the Evaluators. Depending on the model you are currently evaluating, the welcome page can be for Likelihood o...
  3. How to Navigate in the Evaluation pipe?

    The Project Manager decides the navigation options available during the evaluation. By default, the navigation box, and buttons can be available at the bottom of each of the evaluation steps.  (Note: A button can be disabled if not applicable to t...
  4. How to Save Judgments?

    Your judgment will be automatically recorded when you go to another step, such as by clicking   button.  After doing so, you can leave the evaluation and be assured that all your previous judgments are saved. You will return to the step where you l...
  5. Single Pairwise Verbal Comparisons

    Pairwise Verbal can be used to express your judgment about the likelihoods or impacts of the two elements.  For Likelihood evaluation, we recommend using Pairwise with Given Likelihood instead of Pairwise unless the elements being evaluated are...
  6. Likelihood: Setting Up Roles without Groups

    Roles can be assigned to Participant Groups ( custom groups or a pre-defined group called 'All Participants') as well as to individual participants. The resultant role for a participant is a combination of the roles assigned to any group to which t...
  7. Recommended Approaches for Setting Roles for the 'All Participants' Group

    Assigning roles to participants can be without using groups as well as with groups.  In the former case, we advised leaving all roles allowed for the All Participants Group as they are set by default.  In the case of assigning roles using groups, we...
  8. Impact: Participant and Group Roles Overview

    Participants roles can be defined when evaluating: the Likelihoods of: threats,  events given threats events with no threats the Impacts  of: events with respect to objectives  objectives, and the Effectiveness of Controls On ...
  9. Impact: Setting Up Roles with Groups

    Setting up roles with groups is a very flexible and powerful method, but somewhat more complex. Every participant belongs to a Participant Group called "All Participants". The All Participants group initially has an "allow" role for all cells as s...
  10. Impact: Copy and Paste Roles

    You can copy roles from one participant to another: Select the participant you want roles to be copied Click Copy Roles Select the participant(s) where you want to paste the roles  Click Paste Roles You can also select multiple participants t...