New Articles

  1. Create a Copy of the Model (Save as)

    Creating a copy of your model (Save as) is helpful if you want to experiment with some changes, but want to keep a copy of your model before making any changes. To make a copy of a Riskion model, simply go to the Models list, right-click the model ...
  2. Models List Commands (Archive, Download, Delete etc.)

    When you right-click the model or click  to the right of the model name will display several commands: Open model Save as - to save a copy of the model with a different name Archive - to archive a model  Download  Delete  Get Model link...
  3. View Threats (Tree or Hierarchy)

    Threats can be viewed in Tree  View  or Hierarchical  View .  By default, the Tree View is displayed as shown below: You can use the drop-down to select the Hierarchy View: The Hierarchy View of Threats is shown below: You can do sim...
  4. Participants List Actions (Reset Password, Get link etc.)

    There are four icons under the Actions column of the Participants table:  Reset Password  sets/resets the password for the participant. Gold  key indicates that the user has a password, blue  key indicates that the user has no password.  ...
  5. Erase Participant's Judgments

    You can erase the participant's judgments in IDENTIFY/STRUCTURE  > IDENTIFY > Participants screen.  Simply check the checkboxes to the left of the participant(s) you want to delete judgments, click Edit > Erase Judgments. A prompt to del...
  6. User Priorities

    You can set and edit participant priorities (that will be used to weigh the participant's judgments). By default the User Priorities is hidden, use the column choose to show it: When the User Priority check box is enabled, the User Priority col...
  7. Remove Participants

    You can remove or delete participants from  IDENTIFY/STRUCTURE > IDENTIFY  > Participants page.  Clicking the Remove button displays 3 options to remove the participant(s):  Remove selected participants. This option is grey out until one o...
  8. Copy Judgments to Selected Participants

    Judgments can be copied from one participant to another participant(s). This can be done on IDENTIFY/STRUCTURE  > IDENTIFY > Participants page.  Select Edit > Copy Judgments: This will open a window where you can select the participant fro...
  9. Add, Edit, Delete Participant Groups

    You can add, edit and delete the participants' groups from IDENTIFY/STRUCTURE  > IDENTIFY > Participants page.  Participant Groups can be used when: Setting up roles and  Displaying results Participants' Groups can be: Dynamic  - in wh...
  10. View Objectives (Tree or Hierarchy)

    Objectives can be viewed in Tree  View  or Hierarchical  View .  By default, the Tree View is displayed as shown below: You can use the drop-down to select the Hierarchy View: The Hierarchy View of Objectives is shown below:  You ...