Popular Articles

  1. The Riskion Process Overview

    Riskion ® is a revolutionary, web-based risk management tool designed to help enterprise-level businesses identify, accurately measure, and mitigate potential risks (or increase potential gains) through professional crowdsourcing and mathematical m...
  2. Overall Bow-Tie Diagram

    Overview The Bowtie method is a risk evaluation method that can be used to analyze and demonstrate causal relationships in risk scenarios. The method takes its name from the shape of the diagram that you create, which looks like a men’s bowtie. ...
  3. Risk Map Overall

    Overview Risk Map  is a graphical visualization of the events' risks  designed to illustrate the  likelihood of  events  on one axis and the  impact of events  on the other. Here we see the Risk Map for Overall   Likelihood, Impact, and Ris...
  4. What is Risk?

    What is the meaning when someone says there is a risk of loss? It means that something might happen that can result in a loss . The words "something", "might", and "loss" have special meanings. The something is what we will call an 'Event', or...
  5. Objectives

  6. Threats

  7. Measurement Methods

  8. Controls for Threats

    Controls for Threats/Sources can be viewed, added, and assigned to this page.  The Controls for Threats/Sources are listed as rows under the "Control Name" column, and the succeeding columns headings to the right are the threats/sources.  You ca...
  9. Overall Risks

    Overview This page displays the Overall Likelihoods, Impacts, and Risks of each Event . Overall Likelihoods, Impacts, and Risks of Events The results for the "All  Participants" group are displayed by default as indicated in the c...
  10. Overall Less Exceedance Curve (LEC) with Controls

    Overview The LEC represents the annual frequency whereupon a determining economic loss will be exceeded. It is the most important and strongest measurement of risk since it provides basic information for the planning and appropriation of the re...