Popular Articles

  1. Likelihood: Head to Head Analysis

    Overview The Head-to-head analysis for Likelihoods shows how events compare to each other with respect to a Threat. In Riskion, we refer to threats , causes , hazards , and sources  interchangeably.  While they may have slightly different nu...
  2. Impact: Gradient Analysis

    Overview The gradient analysis for Impact shows the rate of change of the impact of events due to the change in the impact of one of the objectives. Gradient Sensitivity for the Overall Events Impacts  Gradient sensitivity is composed ...
  3. Impact: 2D Analysis

    Overview The Two Dimensional sensitivity for Impact shows how well the events perform given any two objectives.  2D Analysis for the Overall Events Impacts One objective is represented on the X-Axis and another on the Y-Axis. The ...
  4. Controls for Event Consequences (by Event)

    Controls to mitigate Events Consequences can be viewed, added, and assigned to this page.  Here the controls are being assigned to one selected event with respect to Objectives.  From the grid above, you can assign the potential controls to mit...
  5. Controls for Event Consequences (by Control)

    In addition to managing (view, add, assign) the Controls for Events Consequences for one selected event at a time (by Event) , you can also perform the same actions for one selected control at a time (by Control). From the grid above, you can s...
  6. Model Snapshots

    Model Snapshots allow you to restore your Riskion model to a specific snapshot or restore point. You can open Snapshots from the upper right menu as shown above which is available on every page when the model is open, or in the Model's list c...
  7. Acceptance Register

    The Acceptance Register lists the Sources/Threats, Vulnerabilities, and Impacts that don't have defined controls.  Risk acceptance Risk acceptance is not really a mitigation strategy because accepting a risk does not reduce its effectiveness. Ho...
  8. Likelihood: Datagrid

    The Likelihood's Datagrid page displays the events attributes, events likelihoods given each of the sources, and the overall event likelihood.  Likelihood's DataGrid By default, the Datagrid for "All Participants" is displayed.  You can se...
  9. Impact: Datagrid

    The Impact's Datagrid page displays the attributes of the events, events consequences with respect to each objective, and the overall event impact.  Impact's DataGrid By default, the Datagrid for "All Participants" is displayed.  You can s...
  10. Efficient Frontier To Objectives

    The Efficient Frontier results make it easy to compare several scenarios and see the effects of lower or higher budgets.  This page displays the  Efficient Frontier To  specific Objectives.  Click  to display results: Efficient Frontier T...