Popular Articles

  1. Page Lookup

    The Page Lookup allows you to open a modal that lists all the Riskion pages.  T his can be found by clicking the magnifying glass icon at the top right of the page. Y ou can expand/collapse the menus. You can search for the page name.  Cl...
  2. Basic Troubleshooting Techniques

    Having trouble with Riskion? Here are common troubleshooting techniques that often help. Try a hard refresh.  Browsers store cached versions of web pages to speed up your experience. However, sometimes this causes you to view an older version o...
  3. Archives

  4. Add, Edit, and Delete Threats

    The Threats hierarchy can be created, viewed, and edited from any of the following pages: IDENTIFY/STRUCTURE > IDENTIFY  > Threats ; or IDENTIFY/STRUCTURE >   Threats > Hierarchy  or LIKELIHOOD OF EVENTS > STRUCTURE > EVENTS SOU...
  5. Add, Edit and Delete Objectives

    The Objectives hierarchy can be created, viewed, and edited from any of the following pages: IDENTIFY/STRUCTURE > IDENTIFY >   Objectives ;  IDENTIFY/STRUCTURE > OBJECTIVES > Hierarchy , IMPACT OF EVENTS > STRUCTURE > EVENTS OBJEC...
  6. Hierarchy

  7. Hierarchy

  8. Likelihood: Judgment Options Overview

    The Likiehood's Judgment options page consists of the judgment options for evaluating the Threats and the Events given Threats.  The page has three sections:  Evaluate Threats Options - left section (blue), which consists of options to evaluate...
  9. Turn ON/OFF Evaluation for Objectives or Events given Objectives

    The Project Manager can turn ON or OFF the evaluation for Threats/Objectives or for Events given Threats/Objectives.  The default option is to evaluate: threats,  events given threats objectives events with respect to objectives Although a P...
  10. Select Participants for TeamTime Evaluation

    Depending on the model you are working on, you can select participants for Likelihood and Impact Teamtime Evaluation on: Likelihood Impact All participants that have been added to the model are listed.  You can select all or only some o...