Risk Map


Risk Map Overall
Overview Risk Map  is a graphical visualization of the events' risks  designed to illustrate the  likelihood of  events  on one axis and the  impact of events  on the other. Here we see the Risk Map for Overall   Likelihood, Impact, and Ris...
Risk Map From Sources
Overview Risk Map  is a graphical visualization of the events' risks  designed to illustrate the  likelihood of  events  on one axis and the  impact of events  on the other. In Riskion, we refer to threats , causes , hazards , and sources...
Risk Map To Objectives
Overview Risk Map  is a graphical visualization of the events' risks  designed to illustrate the  likelihood of  events  on one axis and the  impact of events  on the other. Here we see the Risk Map for the Likelihoods, Impacts, and Risks of...