Updated Articles

  1. Templates

  2. Create and Delete Templates

    Templates  are used to create a new Riskion model with predefined: sources and objectives hierarchy,  events,  information documents, contributions,  roles for the participant's groups,  evaluation and measurement settings Templates are cr...
  3. Change name and password

    To change your password, click your account name at the upper right and then select Personal Settings:  Enter your new password and your current password, then hit Save Password.  If you forgot your password, you or your Project Manager c...
  4. Application Preferences

    To access the Application Settings, click your account name at the upper right and then select Personal Settings:  Enable autologon on the first start - grants or denies users the autologon on Comparion (if email and password are remembere...
  5. Identify Controls

    Overview Controls   can be a combination of people, processes, and tools that are put in place to prevent, detect, or correct issues caused by unwanted events. Controls can also be referred to as Treatments , or as specified from the Workgroup...
  6. Categories

    This page lists the summary of the controls categories, the targets   ( controls for  Sources, Vulnerabilities of Events From Sources, and Consequences) , and the Total Cost of the Controls given the category.  Note: This page will only have...
  7. Where Applied

    This page displays the summary of all the potential controls, their applications, and the control cost:  Clicking the checkmark to the right of a control will open a dialog with the control details: applications and %effectiveness. The c...
  8. Model Properties

  9. Model Wording

    Model Wording The model's wording or terminologies are defined from the model's  IDENTIFY/STRUCTURE > Model Properties > Model Details page, scroll down the page to see the "Model Wording" section as shown below:  Here you can define the t...
  10. Workgroup Wording Template

    The Workgroup Wording Template can be used as the default wording when creating a new model by checking the "Use workgroup wording template" checkbox.  Wording changes for an existing model can be made on the Model Properties > Model Details...