Updated Articles

  1. Controls for Event Vulnerabilities (by Control)

    In addition to managing (view, add, assign) the Controls for Events Vulnerabilities for one selected event at a time (by Event) , you can also perform the same actions for one selected control at a time (by Control). From the grid above, you c...
  2. Controls for Event Vulnerabilities (by Event)

    Controls for Events Vulnerabilities can be viewed, added, and assigned to this page.  Here the controls are being assigned to one selected event given the threats/sources.  From the grid above, you can assign the potential controls to mitigate ...
  3. Controls for Threats

    Controls for Threats/Sources can be viewed, added, and assigned to this page.  The Controls for Threats/Sources are listed as rows under the "Control Name" column, and the succeeding columns headings to the right are the threats/sources.  You ca...
  4. Preferences

    Click the button to open the display and simulation settings modal.  Events Numbers - select from ID, Inder, or Rank  Display Settings Consequences simulation mode: Diluted or Undiluted  WRT calculation (applicable only when a lower node is...
  5. Simulated vs Computed Event Likelihoods, Impacts, and Risks (Flaw of Averages)

    The risk of an event is the product of the event's likelihood and impact.  However, the computed likelihood of an event may depend on the event being caused by more than one threat. If these threats are not mutually exclusive, then the computed like...
  6. Likelihood: Mixed

    The Mixed screen for Likelihood displays the sensitivities and grids into one view:  Dynamic Analysis Performance Analysis Gradient 2D plot Head to Head Events Grid Threats Grid   In Riskion, we refer to threats , causes ,...
  7. Likelihood: Head to Head Analysis

    Overview The Head-to-head analysis for Likelihoods shows how events compare to each other with respect to a Threat. In Riskion, we refer to threats , causes , hazards , and sources  interchangeably.  While they may have slightly different nu...
  8. Likelihood: 2D Analysis

    Overview The Two Dimensional sensitivity for Likelihood shows how well the events perform given any two threats .  In Riskion, we refer to threats , causes , hazards , and sources  interchangeably.  While they may have slightly different nu...
  9. Likelihood: Gradient Analysis

    Overview The gradient analysis for Likelihood shows the rate of change of the likelihoods of events due to the change in the likelihood of one of the threats .   In Riskion, we refer to threats , causes , hazards , and sources  interchangea...
  10. Impact: 2D Analysis

    Overview The Two Dimensional sensitivity for Impact shows how well the events perform given any two objectives.  2D Analysis for the Overall Events Impacts One objective is represented on the X-Axis and another on the Y-Axis. The ...