Last Updated: 02/26/2021
in Overview
Expert Choice Riskion addresses losses that can occur from the occurrence of risk events. While some definitions of risk include gains as well as losses, Expert Choice Riskion adopts the more traditional definition of risk as the expected value of l...
Last Updated: 02/17/2021
in Manage Models Models List
A model that is online can be accessed by evaluators for their input. The Project Manager can place a model offline if so desired. Evaluators won't be able to evaluate a model that is offline. Accessing the evaluator's link will redirect them to...
You can add, edit and delete the participants' groups from IDENTIFY/STRUCTURE > IDENTIFY > Participants page. Participant Groups can be used when: Setting up roles and Displaying results Participants' Groups can be: Dynamic - in wh...
Judgments can be copied from one participant to another participant(s). This can be done on IDENTIFY/STRUCTURE > IDENTIFY > Participants page. Select Edit > Copy Judgments: This will open a window where you can select the participant fro...
You can set and edit participant priorities (that will be used to weigh the participant's judgments). By default the User Priorities is hidden, use the column choose to show it: When the User Priority check box is enabled, the User Priority col...
You can erase the participant's judgments in IDENTIFY/STRUCTURE > IDENTIFY > Participants screen. Simply check the checkboxes to the left of the participant(s) you want to delete judgments, click Edit > Erase Judgments. A prompt to del...
You can remove or delete participants from IDENTIFY/STRUCTURE > IDENTIFY > Participants page. Clicking the Remove button displays 3 options to remove the participant(s): Remove selected participants. This option is grey out until one o...
There are four icons under the Actions column of the Participants table: Reset Password sets/resets the password for the participant. Gold key indicates that the user has a password, blue key indicates that the user has no password. ...
Last Updated: 02/05/2021
in Overview
Riskion ® is a revolutionary, web-based risk management tool designed to help enterprise-level businesses identify, accurately measure, and mitigate potential risks (or increase potential gains) through professional crowdsourcing and mathematical m...
Last Updated: 02/04/2021
in Manage Models Models List
Creating a copy of your model (Save as) is helpful if you want to experiment with some changes, but want to keep a copy of your model before making any changes. To make a copy of a Riskion model, simply go to the Models list, right-click the model ...