Popular Articles

  1. Workgroup Wording Template

    The Workgroup Wording Template can be used as the default wording when creating a new model by checking the "Use workgroup wording template" checkbox.  Wording changes for an existing model can be made on the Model Properties > Model Details...
  2. Risk of Events To Objectives

    Overview This page displays the Likelihoods, Impacts,  and Risks of each Event to a specific Objective . The Likelihoods, Impacts, and Risks of the events To Objective " Public Relations "  is displayed below: An Objective is selected fr...
  3. Bow-Tie Diagram To Objectives with Controls

    Overview This page displays a similar diagram as with the Bow-tie diagram To specific Objectives (without controls) -- but on this page, the likelihoods, impacts, and risks are calculated with controls in effect. Controls can also be viewed, se...
  4. Judgment Options

  5. Controls for Event Vulnerabilities (by Control)

    In addition to managing (view, add, assign) the Controls for Events Vulnerabilities for one selected event at a time (by Event) , you can also perform the same actions for one selected control at a time (by Control). From the grid above, you c...
  6. Risk Register

    The Risk Register page displays the same page as with the Overall Risk Results (without control) or Overall Risk Results (with controls) .  ...
  7. Likelihood: Events Grid

    Overview The Events  Grid  for Likelihood   displays: the likelihoods or vulnerabilities of the events for Risk Events or the likelihoods/ applicabilities for Opportunity Events.  By default, the grid shows the events' likelihoods due...
  8. Bow-Tie Diagram To Objectives

    Overview This page displays the Bow-tie diagram To specific Objectives.  The bow-time diagram of the Event " Failed Integration with Failure Monitoring System Network " to the objective " Public Relations "  is displayed below. The selecte...
  9. Participant Roles for Evaluating Controls

    Participants' roles can be defined when evaluating controls: for Sources for Event Vulnerabilities for Event Consequences This can be found on the CONTROLS > Measure > Participants > Participant Roles page:  The controls are listed on ...
  10. Combined Effectiveness of Controls for Event Vulnerabilities (by Event)

    After identifying and measuring the controls, the Controls Effectiveness for groups and participants can be viewed on the Combined Effectiveness pages.  Depending on the control application, the %effectiveness can be viewed by: Controls for Th...